Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ten Christmas Cards

I don't normally make Christmas cards but this year I decided to make ten to be sold to raise a few pennies :)
I couldn't believe how many mistakes I made in doing them... and what I mean by that is that there are some things I just wouldn't normally do, for example, if I use silver 'Peel Offs' in the corners, I would not put 'gold' leaves on the card, instead I would use silver.  I know they're silly things but things I get quite pedantic about.
The flowers I used on these cards were made years ago and were in containers not being used, so it was the perfect time to use them.. especially given that they were red :)

Perhaps next year I'll do more..  I think the trick is to start making them in January but the best laid plans rarely work out the way you want them to.
Happy Christmas Everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2010

What I've been up to...

Hi everyone..  
It's been a while since I've written in my blog so I thought I should give you all an update on what I've been up to.  Before I do that.. I want to apologise to those of you who have enquired after PENNY FLOWERS and I haven't got back to you.  I have your emails and will write to you over the next few weeks.  I'm sorry it's taken me so long but life of late has kept me on my toes... I'll make sure I have a little "reward" for your patience.
If you read back through my blog you will know that my hubby suffered a heart attack followed my open heart surgery early this year... since then we've both turned our lives around and up to me writing this I have lost 36kg and Rob, 38kg.  Who would have thought we could do this?
Here is a pic of me, the first one was me at the start of the year and the last pic was taken just a couple of weeks ago.
My days are busier than ever.  I attend the gym at least two days a week and sometimes three.  Yes, my group and my craft have suffered a little but I'm determined to put my all back into both areas starting January..  Thank you to all my friends, both in and out of my group.. Your support has meant so much to me.  
My change of lifestyle has meant I'm kept rather busy.  I've put a lot of my time this year into helping my hubby get over his heart attack and surgery.. It's been such a pleasure to look after him.. He's looked after me for such a long time like no other could and I love him dearly for that.   I am so grateful that we've come through this tough time..  We've been married for 37 years, I hope we'll have many many more.  Here is a photo taken about two weeks ago of both of us.

NEWS FLASH!!  I have been designing new flowers for PENNY FLOWERS Number TWO.  I'm yet to work out an official title... but that's the least of my priorities for now.  I hope to have this second eBook written by the end of March.  I am also looking at starting up a second blog where I will have tutorials in the form of "You Tube" type videos.  As a matter of fact, I already have the blog in place but I haven't been able to put much into it.. but that is about to change!

I hope you all have a Happy and Holy Christmas.  My prayer this Christmas is that people world wide will remember that "Jesus is the REASON for the season".  God bless you all.         
Much love and many hugs to you all.... Angie